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From the Worship Ministry… Klein Tan:

Worship on Sunday in church is more than just singing and making music; it’s not about selecting a genre or style; it’s more than using old or new songs. It is not about performance on stage. It is but a part of a larger picture of what worship is supposed to be.

In Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship.

The core of worship is about living a life fully dedicated to God and becoming like Jesus – This is made possible because of the mercy of God. Worship through songs is just a mean to an end, an expression of our heart’s devotion unto Him. When we join our hearts in making melodies unto the Lord as a body of Christ, we are ushered into His mighty presence by His mercy and His grace.

The marks of a true worshipper is humility and a desire to develop an intimacy with God, outflowing from an offered life of sacrifice, bringing glory and pleasure to Him. It is my prayer that the worshippers at Shekinah Joy Church continue to grow towards becoming a true worshipper every moment of our life.

The Words