Foundations of Revival:

1) God is chiefly concerned about Eternal Destiny.

  • We can be saved but what status will we be? What reward?
  • Our current life is merely training ground, preparing for eternity.

2) Natural inclination of fallen men.

  • Our natural tendency is to move away from God

3) Proliferation of evils.

  • The further we’re from God, the more the evil.

4) Cup of iniquity / judgement.

  • When more wickedness abound, (concept), it will come to a tipping point.
  • E.g. Jonah. Go to the City of Nineveh, a pagan city. If they do not repent in 40 days, judgement will come upon them.
  • E.g. Lot – in the City of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot was troubled by what he saw around being full of wickedness and God considered him righteous.

5) Revival!!! Direct intervention.

  • God is not into judgement.
  • God is into mercy, love.
  • However when society is full of evil, God intervene. God directly intervenes in the society through revival.
  • Revival is needed because the church is not doing her work.

Why God sends revival?

a) Awaken from spiritual stupor
b) Stop the progress of evil
c) Lead unbelievers into His Kingdom
d) Bring about deep transformation
e) Prepare the people for trials and tribulation
f) Remind humankind He is actively working to bring the list humanity back to Himself
g) Align people of God with the waves of the Holy Spirit


Many of us want revival? The question is “How badly do we want it? Are we ready to pay the price?”

6) Calling Intercessors.

  • Before revival, God is calling for watchmen, intercessors.


Characteristic of revival

What’s it is not?

  • Feel good
  • Experiential but no life change

What it is…

  • Deep awareness of sin and hell fire.
  • Heartfelt repentance.
  • Aware that only Christ and His precious blood can save them from hell fire.
  • General humility.
  • Ignore trivialities & pettiness. Breakdown denominational barriers and man-made structures. Embrace in the brotherly love of Christ Jesus.
  • Focus on the weightiness of God’s glory, tangible presence, and power. The fear of God will take hold of the church (even the surrounding community).
  • Signs, mind-boggling wonders and supernatural miracles are normal.
  • Joyful singing, praises and worship unto the Lord.
  • Renewed sense of urgency of reaching the lost for Jesus.

The fact about Revivals is that it is sudden and unplanned and cannot be forced.


What do we do?

  • Prepare ourselves and flow with the Holy Spirit.
  • Not interfere with the work of God.
  • Prayer associated with revival… Travail- involves continuous pushing, till breakthrough; first in the Spiritual realm then physical realm.